The 27-year-old’s Nikkah ceremony is planned for Saturday, followed by the Valima reception a day later. Pakistan opener Imam-ul-Haq finds himself in yet another predicament as private conversations between him and a female on a social media platform have been exposed online. It is worth mentioning that Imam is set to embark on a new chapter in his life as he is scheduled to get married on November 25. The talented left-handed batsman will be tying the knot with a Norwegian woman in Lahore, and the wedding festivities are set to commence on November 23. Imam-ul-Haq recently represented Pakistan in the ICC ODI World Cup 2023 held in India, where unfortunately, the team was eliminated during the league stage. This is not the first occurrence. In 2019, he was accused by a woman who alleged that he was involved with her and multiple others at the same time. During that period, alleged private WhatsApp conversations between the woman and the Imam were exposed on social media. Currently, the Pakistani cricketer has not offered any explanation or clarification regarding the leaked conversations.